
Managing Business Operations in Effective Manner

University: Regent college

  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 27 / Words 6846
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1306
Question :

This will require certain questions to be answered which are like:

  • Explain the effective nature and the primary and the secondary framing of research.


Answer :
Organization Selected : Cleenol Group Ltd


Technology is a most important terms that has major effects on business operations. Now a days, each and every organisation wants to implement digital technology in their business services (Ainin and et. al., 2015). Main reason behind this is that it helps to maximise productivity, improve information sharing services, data storage practices, automation of function and reduces additional cost as well as time. Digitalization has become a major portion of business as well as personal lives of an individual. On the basis of these practices a firm can implement new ideas and innovative thoughts to make changes in their working practices properly. Digital technology is classified in different aspect that which provides their contribution in different areas. As, Artificial intelligence, The internet of things, social media, mobile technology, cloud technology and so on. These kind of activities assist in managing business operations in effective manner. This report is based on Cleenol Group Ltd which is a small and medium enterprise which operates as a manufacturer and supplier of cleaning and hygiene products. The organization wants to implement mobile technology in their business practices to building direct relation with their customers. On the basis of these practices, they can provide information regarding new products and services to their services users and retailers too.


P1 Research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by literature review

Technology term can be defined as collection of methods and techniques that are used to achieve the objective. It has helped in development of the economies which includes the global economy of today (Dahnil and et. al., 2014). Each and everyone uses technology in all the aspects of our daily lives. We use it at work, for communication, manufacturing, and many other aspects.

Many companies are using updated technologies to keep up with the market, to create the goods and services and to deliver them to the respective places. Businesses are using communication technologies like mobile tools and social media to enhance the flow of information in workplace, to help in decision making, to promote their products to the targeted customers. It has changed the way of doing businesses by helping the small businesses reach to the desired market through social media and internet which helps them in achieving low cost of operation. Apart from that, it has helped in increasing the productivity of the employees as well. The technology has helped has the employees to obtain more information than the previous manual method. Additionally, it has helped the businesses to reach the global market and operates its functions globally. The business technology has helped the companies to outsource business function which helps the company to lower down the course.

Background of research

In this current era, each and every organisation wants to implement digital technology because it helps in managing operational activities effectively (McCann and Barlow, 2015). Mobile technology is a most important aspect of advance technology that assist in building direct relationship with customers. On the basis of these practices a business organisation can provide direct information to their customers regarding their new services and updates as well. This report is based on Cleenol Group Ltd which is manufacturer and supplier of cleaning and hygienic products. This is a small and medium enterprise which wants to implement mobile technology in their business practices in order to providing information to retailers and customers regarding new updates directly. Through this, Cleenol Group Ltd can build direct connection with their services users.

Aims and objectives

Research Aim -

To identify the impact of mobile technology in building strong relationship with customers. A case study on Cleenol Group Ltd.

Research objectives -

  • To identify the concept and importance of Mobile technology for Cleenol Group Ltd.
  • To examine the advantages of Mobile technology for a small business organization.
  • To determine the effectiveness of mobile technology in building relationship with customers.
  • To analyze the major challenges of mobile technologies.

Research questions -

  • What is the concept and importance of mobile technology ?
  • What are the advantages of Mobile technology for a small business organization ?
  • How mobile technology helps in building relationship with customers ?
  • What can be the major challenges of mobile technology ?

Literature review is a most important part of a research in which data and information has been describe in critical format. In this, investigator collect information through on the basis of author's view point that they describe in different articles. The criteria of information is determines their understanding on a particular topic.

The concept and importance of mobile technology

As per the views of James Kendrick, 2013 Mobile technology is a most important that assist in building connectivity, accessibility, improve communication to building direct connection with customers easily. For Cleenol Group Ltd, it can be a effective technique that helps to building direct connection with retailer and services user in a effective manner. Now a days, maximum organizations implemented mobile technology for sharing information and resolving issues of customers properly. The concept of mobile technology is more easier because it uses on a single platform on which transmitters have the ability to send the information at the same time on a single channel. These kind of platforms are known as code- division multiple access. The mobile technology is rapidly evolving in these techniques to build connectivity with different users at a same time period. The mobile technology has improved from a simple device used for phone call and messaging into a multi-tasking device used for GPS navigation, internet browsing, gaming, instant messaging tool etc. Through this, numerous organisations can build connectivity with their local as well as multinational customers and can access their selling products on different locations too. The mobile technology is getting a remarkable achievement in the world of technology but now, it is transforming into user comfort technology due to its present diverse functionality.

The advantages of Mobile technology for a small business organization

According to Shwan hessinger, 2017 mobile technology is a impact full term of digital technology that helps in maximizing business sales and profitability in easy manner. The devices of mobile technology as smartphone and tablets provides mobile selling facilities with the helps of email, internet scheduling and so on. On the basis of mobile technology, employees of firm can resolve issues and conflicts of their customers by connecting with them through these devices. These technological advancement allowing customers for digital payment and other services. On the basis of these practices, customers and firm can save maximum time and additional formalities as well. There are some other advantages of of mobile technology is determine below as -

  • The ability to accept payments wirelessly - Now a days, each and every organisation promote mobile technology to serve better services to their customers. It is beneficial approach that assist to provide facilities to customers as well as business firm for the wireless payment. Through this customers form different location can purchase products and services of an organisation with easy payment module. These are time saving as well as confidential activities for payer and receiver. These are beneficial for some business retailers as well who purchases huge products from different organisation for easy distribution in market.
  • Provide ability to communicate with new customers at different locations - Technology is one of the most specific element that assist in raising connectivity from customers at different locations. In this procedure, mobile technology is known as one the cheapest platform that assist in building connectivity with users at different location. Mobile technology consider telephone, laptop, tablet, netbook computers and so on. These sources assist in building connectivity of organisations with their customers who are with different locations. Through this, firm can promote their products and services as well as can maximise their selling easily.

Effectiveness of mobile technology in building relationship with customers

As per the views of Angus gill, 2016 mobile technology is most effective term that aid to build effectiveness to communicate clearly with greater number of customers. The communication is most important part of a business organization that assist in maximizing sales and business profitability as well. The effectiveness of mobile technology in building relationship with customers is determine below as -

  • Convenient sources-

    Mobile technology is one of the most convenient technology source that has been created. It has helped to reach out more customers and has helped in creating less complicated operating process. The customer can access the products online and choose from the variety of products in one go. Also this process helps the consumer to make purchases without visiting the store. Therefore, it becomes more convenient for them to make purchases which further helps Cleenol Group Ltd to promote and sell their products to the targeted clients .
  • Customer Relationship Services-

    With the help of mobile technology, the consumer can approach customer relation in case of any feedback or complaint regarding any issues needs to be made. This helps the customers in attaining trust in the company which helps to buy loyalty of the final consumer. Additionally, due to services like customer relationship, the company can also keep record of the client's feedback and implement the changes in future to improve the quality of the services. This helps in attaining better control on the business operations of Cleenol Group Ltd.
  • Maximize payment modes and practices-

    The advanced technology has lead to various payment methods that has cause an ease to the customers as well as the respective company such as online payments and EDC card swipe machines which can help in making transactions via debit or credit card. As maximum number of customers use plastic money, or prefer online shopping. Hence, it has cause a revolution in payment methods and practices. This has helped in ease out the purchasing transaction and had helped in creating good relationship with the customers.

The major challenges of mobile technology

As per Nick Ismail, 2017, the root cause of internal business complications are separate data soil. When different departments use different software and cannot access data of the other department, it leads to in efficient workflow. There are too many software in the market to choose, which can often lead to making mistakes, overlooking problems and create complicity. One of the best example to understand the problem is when marketing teal cannot access to the sales team database. As much these mobile technology helps us, they also leads to distracting from the important works that need to be done via games such as candy crush, and various apps like Instagram and Facebook. As said, an average person spends approx 23 days of a year on their mobile phones. Some of the companies have even banned the mobile phones and use of social media in their work place to enhance the productivity. Apart from that, the software get outdated due to which it cannot cop up with the current technological issues. Relying on the obsolete software can put the business on stake. Apart from that, it is also a costly affair because one have to update it on regular basis to stay updated with the market trends. Major challenges of mobile technology can be -

  • Security - This can be a major challenge in the uses of mobile technology. It is hard for user to access their information securely by networking uses. Therefore, it can be a major challenge for individual
  • Data protection - In order to access mobile technology, individual's needs to grant access permission for different applications. Therefore, it is hard for them to protect data and information properly by their own. Thus, it can be a major challenge for services users in respect of getting benefits through mobile technology as well.

P2 Research methods and conduct primary and secondary research

Research methodology is a most important aspect of research that assist in determining appropriate methods for data collection practices (Hassan, Nadzim and Shiratuddin, 2015). On the basis of these methods, researcher can gather appropriate information by implementing best possible methods. The area of research method has been classified on the basis of analysis criteria and its requirement as well. Information and data from these methods assist in providing relevant information to researcher on the basis of real and existing facts as well as figures. The area of selection of best method always based on the nature of research in order to gathering appropriate information for better explanation.

Qualitative research -

This is a most appropriate method of data collection. On the basis of these practices, researcher can gather maximum information in theoretical format. The criteria of this research always describe information on the basis people from different age, name and gender as well (Crane and Matten, 2016). This is a easy format of research in which researcher can collect maximum information through different candidates. Results of this report always described in theoretical format which is easy for everyone to understand. On the basis of this research method, investigator can identified customer's requirement, their opinion and view points regrading new changes.

Quantitative research -

This research method is very different from qualitative approaches because the methodology of quantitative research is always bases on mathematical as well as statistical terms (Del Baldo, 2012). This research always describes information and data on the basis of real facts and figure. It is not an easy approach therefore, in order to gathering information under quantitative method, organization requires to hire a professional investigator who manage and classify information in different aspects easily. These kind of methodology are basically uses in professional research in which, researcher requires to analyze maximum information from past records to new. Information and data from quantitative research always determine realistic information in the form of statistical.

Primary method -

This is a most effective method of data collection which is based on fresh information. The information from primary resources are always bases on realistic facts, individuals view points and opinion as well (Nobre and Silva, 2014). Researcher basically uses these methodology for getting fresh information through customers and users of services. Major advantage of primary method is that investigator can identify view points and in depth information from individuals. In order to conducting primary research, organizations needs to hire a candidate who helps in designing the framework of analysis on the basis of business requirement. Analyst can choose a better option of research from interview, survey, questionnaire, discussions and so on.

Secondary method -

The information and data from this research is always determines historical information from secondary resources. The sources of secondary information can be articles, books, newspapers, blogs, journals, magazine and so on. These kind of methods saves time and cost of research but from them it is hard to grab realistic information easily. This is the major disadvantage of this method because the facts and figures always changed. This is convenient approach of data collection in which employees of a firm can collect information from existing sources easily (Atanassova and Clark, 2015). In secondary research, criteria of information is restricted and it determines a limited information on the basis of past figures.

Sampling -

This method basically implemented in order to collecting appropriate information from large population. In this researcher basically opt individuals randomly from large population (Meske and Stieglitz, 2013). Through this, they can analyses view point and opinion of different candidates in easy manner. In order to gathering information through sampling approach, investigator requires to design a pattern for different samples.

In order to gathering information for this research, investigator implement qualitative approach in which primary method of data collection providing realistic information to them. Therefore, the sample size of data collection is 30.


P3 Conduct primary and secondary research by using appropriate methods and techniques

This research helps in analysing the value of social media tools and the way it impacts the marketing of the organisation. In Today's time, people are very much influenced with technology and that is why, organisation can enhance their sales and market share through various innovative tools and strategies. The significant purpose behind using these technologies is expanding their business, and reach maximum number of sales with the help of advanced technological tools. Cleenol Group ltd. is planning to conduct a survey about including mobile technology in their business operations which will help the organisation to figure out the customer needs and how they can improve their services and quality in order to attract more customers and retain the old loyal customers.


It is one of the crucial element of the research as it includes the funds that are required by the investigator in order to conduct a research in efficient way. An appropriate amount of fund is required to collect the primary as well as the secondary data or information. The cost of Primary research method is less as it involves 40 respondents due to which it becomes easy to collect the data among small group. Where as, secondary research is conducted on much larger scale and involves collecting data from different sources which is why it involves much more funding then the other method. The opinion of authors is considered to undertake valid and appropriate outcomes.

Ethical Issue:

This part of the research states that the data that has been collected should be ethical, correct and confidential. While conducting the research project, the investigator faces many issues. The moral thinking helps in looking into vital portion and also helps in changing the way in which the research is lead. The moral thought process is required when exploration includes communicating with individuals or business environment. The goal of conducting the survey should be clear and focused. It is important that the data has been gathered from reliable sources and it is conducted in a professional and ethical way. This is why, it helps the investigator to overcome issues and challenges that are faced while conducting the research in a systematic way.






Q1. Are you familiar with the concept of mobile technology ?

  • Yes
  • No

Q2. Does mobile technology aid in providing information to customers about products and services of firm?

  • Yes
  • No

Q3. What are main advantages of mobile technology for a small business enterprises ?

  • Convenient sources
  • Cost friendly
  • Easy promotional tool
  • All of above

Q4. What can be the major challenges of mobile technology for a small business enterprises ?

  • Security
  • Simple user experience
  • Data privacy
  • All of above

Q5. Is mobile technology assist in attaining competitive advantages at market places?

  • Yes
  • No

Q6. Are the uses of mobile technology tools useful in order to enhance market shares and profit ratios?

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Q7. What are the main techniques used by Cleenol Group Ltd to retain loyal customers with their organization?

  • Discounts
  • Deal customers with kindness
  • Loyalty program
  • All of these

Q8.Does mobile technology help in promoting organizational products and services at market place?

  • Yes
  • No

Q9. Are you satisfied with the services of Cleenol Group Ltd ?

  • Yes
  • No

Q10. Does mobile technology help in upgrading business operations of Cleenol Group Ltd ?

  • Agree
  • Disagree

Q11. Any suggestion to Cleenol Group Ltd by which firm can enhance their distribution as well as promotional practices.....................................................................................................


P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research finding and data

Theme 1: The concept of mobile technology

Q1. Are you familiar with the concept of mobile technology ?


  • Yes


  • No



From the above graphical representation it has been analysed that out of 30 candidates, 18 individuals are familiar with the concept of mobile technology while as 12 are not. As customers are more likely with the uses of such technology that has to be cost effective and time saving as well. For Cleenol group Ltd it can be a beneficial approach that customers can accept these technological changes of firm easily. Through this firm can attain can attain higher competitive advantages.

Theme 2: Mobile technology aid in providing information to customers

Q2. Does mobile technology aid in providing information to customers about products and services of firm?


  • Yes


  • No



As per the above representation it has been identified that mobile technology is most effective tool that helps in providing information to customers about different products and services. For these practices, out of 30 respondents 20 thinks the same whereas 10 individuals are not. Implementation of these technologies helps in promotional practices in which firm can introduce their new services effectively in front of target audience.  

Theme 3: Advantages of mobile technology for a small business enterprise

Q3. What are main advantages of mobile technology for a small business enterprises ?


  • Convenient sources


  • Cost friendly


  • Easy promotional tool


  • All of above



On the basis of above representation it has been analysed that mobile technology has numerous advantages as it is a convenient source, cost friendly and a effective promotional tool. In between 30 participants, maximum 15 are in the favour of all these advantages that they getting from mobile technology.

Theme 4: Major challenges of mobile technology for a small business enterprise

Q4. What can be the major challenges of mobile technology for a small business enterprises ?


  • Security


  • Simple user experience


  • Data privacy


  • All of above



From the above graphical representation it has been analysed that major challenges of mobile technology can be security, a general user experience as well as fear of data security. In this procedure, out of 30 respondents, higher 15 are in the favour of all these challenges. Therefore, it can create a security concern in user's mind in regard implementation of mobile technology.

Theme 5: Competitive advantages from mobile technology

Q5. Is mobile technology assist in attaining competitive advantages at market places?


  • Yes


  • No



As per the above presentation it has been analysed that mobile technology is a most effective and beneficial tool that helps in attaining competitive advantages of a firm in market place. In this procedure, out of 30 respondents 20 individuals are thinks that mobile technology aid to attaining competitive advantages in a target market whereas 10 candidates are not thinks the same. These kind of activities can be beneficial for Cleenol group Ltd for their future practices.

Theme 6: Uses of mobile technology to enhance market share and profit ratio

Q6. Are the uses of mobile technology tools useful in order to enhance market shares and profit ratios?


  • Agree


  • Disagree



On the basis of above presentation it has been identified that mobile technologies are the most useful tools that helps in enhancing market share and profitable ratio of firm. In this procedure, out of 30 respondents, 21 individuals are in the favour of these practices whereas 9 candidates are not. Through these practices, Cleenol Group Ltd can attain higher success and can attain business objectives easily.

Theme 7: Techniques used by Cleenol Group Ltd to retain loyal customers

Q7. What are the main techniques used by Cleenol Group Ltd to retain loyal customers with their organization?


  • Discounts


  • Deal customers with kindness


  • Loyalty program


  • All of these



From the above graphical representation it has been analysed that Cleenol group Ltd basically deals customers with kindness. Through this they build long term relations with their customers. In this procedure, in between 30 respondents, 12 are in its favour where as other are in loyalty programs, discount practices and others.

Theme 8: Effectiveness of mobile technology in promoting organizational products and services at market place

Q8. Does mobile technology helps in promoting organizational products and services at market place?


  • Yes


  • No



On the basis of above graphical representation it has been analysed that through mobile technology, an organisation can promote their new products and services in target market easily. Out of 30 respondents, 18 individuals are thinks the same whereas 12 individuals are not. These kind of activities assist in maximising business profitability and growth for the future success.

Theme 9: Satisfied services of Cleenol Group Ltd

Q9. Are you satisfied with the services of Cleenol Group Ltd ?


  • Yes


  • No



On the basis of above graphical presentation, it has been identified that customer's of Cleenol group Ltd are satisfied with their services after the implementation of mobile technology. Because through this, they can introduce their new services easily in market with the new updates. In this process, out of 30 respondents, 18 are thinks the same whereas 12 are not.

Theme 10: uses of mobile technology to upgrading business operations of Cleenol Group Ltd

Q10. Does mobile technology help in upgrading business operations of Cleenol Group Ltd ?


  • Agree


  • Disagree



From the above graphical representation it has been analysed that through mobile technology, Cleenol group Ltd can upgrade their business operations. In this procedure, out of 30 respondents, 21 are thinks the same whereas 9 individuals are not. The advancement of technology will be a beneficial approach for each type of business firm therefore it is required to implement them in proper manner. Through this, firm can make possible modifications and changes in their business practices.


P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience

Research is conducted for identifying the impact of digital technology on activities of Cleenol Ltd. Here, mobile technology is implementing by the respective organisation for gaining advantages inseveralmanners. Description of these are as follows:-

The concept and importance of mobile technology

Concept of mobile technology is wide and its implementation is important for Cleenol Ltd which has been identified through research. Although, mobile technology is important for the business because through this enterprise can provide information related to latest products and services, it is beneficial as promotional tools, attract large number of customers. Most important is that through this digital technology same company can remain in tough with customers easily.

The advantages of Mobile technology for a small business organization

By conducting research it have been determined that there are several advantages of mobile technology in Clennol Ltd. Description of these are as follows:-

  • The ability to accept payments wirelessly:

    Through mobile technology company can make and receive payment without any wire connection. Moreover, there is no requirement of proper setup for accepting payment.
  • Provide ability to communicate with new customers at different locations:

    Customers of company are located in several locations through mobile technology owner of the Cleenol Ltd. Can contact with them in easy manner.

Effectiveness of mobile technology in building relationship with customers

This digital technology is effective tool in building relation with customers. Description are as follows:-

  • Maximize payment modes and practices- Digital technology is the best tool for payment mode and practices because there is no requirement of proper wire setup for accepting payment.
  • Convenient sources- Mobile technology is the best and convenient source for providing information, payment and also in maintaining relation with customers.

The major challenges of mobile technology

There are several challenges which is faced by the organisation while applying mobile technology in the Cleenol Ltd. Description of these are as follows :-

  • Security - In some cases mobile technology is not secure because anyone can reset password of application and misuse it.
  • Data protection - Information and data saved in the mobile is not safe because there is not such secure password in the applications.


P6 Reflection on the effectiveness of research methods and techniques

The research consideration are based on the value of mobile technological tool and its influence on promoting business efforts. Through this, an organisation can easily attain higher success and business growth as well. These are the cost effective and time saving approaches that helps in maximising business sales and its profitability. In order to analysing customer's opinion and view points, I conduct primary research in which questionnaire methods determines me fresh data based on user's perspectives. Major benefit of this research is to identify benefits and advantages of mobile technology for a business organisation.

P7Determine alternative research methodologies for the project

There are numerous alternative methods for this research in which questionnaire practices identify as most beneficial. Through these practices, researcher can identify view point and opinion of services users. For the alternative of the research Interviews can be a best option but it is time consuming and most expensive approach. Thus it can be said for the alternate of data collection I can use interview round with the respondents. Which will be efficient enough to getting the necessary outcome.

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  • Online
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